Oh Deer the Santa-Tiser ran out
1200 miles of Christmas...
The SWCP have a campaign on, The 12miles of Christmas...
Starting on 1st December, you have until Christmas Day to complete your 12 miles in any number of festive ways. Ok, now many of you crack more than 12miles in one run, in a couple of days, in one week. So in 25 days seems not too much of a challenge... But how about 1200 between all of us in 25days? The great thing, you can run, walk, crawl, cycle, row, whatever you fancy, just got to be at least 12miles in the 25 days and part of it will hopefully be one of the December TT routes?Sound good? Now how about you donate £5 to the coastpath and as long as you complete at least 12miles, you're entered into a prize draw to win some goodies? And we'll host the December TT for the whole period, so you have 25days to do your December TT...
From an admin perspective this was an absolute nightmare and I would not recommend Give Penny as a suitable platform for a group/collective mileage tracker until they iron out some fundamental problems. Much feedback was given during the month but I fear it fell on deaf ears!
However rant over... 113 of us got involved, covering 5052.3miles during December which in turn raised £600.55 SWCPA.
to all those that contributed to the raffle prizes.